The Daily Valet. - 3/1/25, Saturday

Weekend of March 1st
Cory Ohlendorf  
By Cory Ohlendorf, Valet. Editor
He’s grown a passion project into a burgeoning luxury brand. So I wanted to see how the man works.

From the Desk of ...

The Del Toro Founder


Inside Brady Perrigo's stylish Miami office


Brady Perrigo is a guy with great taste. You can see it right here, in his light-filled and handsomely outfitted office. He sweats the details—the frames on his desk are from Ralph Lauren—but he's not fussy. He prefers an old disposable Bic pen, for instance. It's that kind of gentlemanly nonchalance that makes his brand, Del Toro, so popular. The label is best known for its Italian-made shoes, but recently it's been broadening out into cool clothes as well. To wear a Del Toro item is to truly appreciate the dedication for craft—the fit is immediately comfortable, the materials all feel amazing against the skin. This is no accident. But how Perrigo got into the fashion game, he says, wasn't a grand plan.

“I spent over a decade working in finance, but there's always been this everlasting battle between both sides of my brain,” he tells me from Miami-based post. “Del Toro has been a real outlet for me, and as time went on and the brand grew, it became harder and harder to not throw myself into it fully.” Growing up, Perrigo says he always had a knack for design. “I remember even as a teenager asking my mom to tailor shirts the way I wanted them, because what I was wearing wasn't quite right—throw my love of Italy into that mix and it's kinda hard to think about anything else.” As Del Toro continues to grow, I thought it'd be a great time to catch up with the man behind the brand and see how he gets everything done.

What's currently on my desk:
Family photos, vintage ceramic Bellini box, classic Bic Cristal Xtr pens, TOM FORD candle, Soho Home coffee mug, Ricoh GR-III camera and various lenses, design books and brand samples, and Milano loafer prototype

I have two
workspaces really.

I spend most of the working day in the office. If I only worked from the studio, I'd probably mess around all day. So the office stays as minimal and distraction-free as possible. There's only one pair of shoes in there—a pair of matte chocolate crocco Milanos. I designed that shoe a long time ago, but it was the first design where I really realized the potential and versatility we had in our Milano silhouette. I've actually never worn them!

Mornings and nights are usually spent
in the studio.

It's my version of a 'man cave'. And it's constantly changing depending on what project I'm working on. Sometimes it's drowning in footwear, sometimes garments, sometimes photography or music gear. Right now it's a mix of footwear and garments because I'm still tweaking some designs for next season.

One of the most meaningful things on my desk ...

It's the oldest, for sure—a vintage ceramic Bellini box from 1934. A friend in Florence gifted this to me. I love everything about it—the handwork, color tones, texture. Plus, it was made in Italy.

I usually keep three photos on my desk,
all of my family.

My grandfather on my mom's side recently passed—he served in the Navy. My favorite story of his was when he had to navigate the USS Hornet through the Suez Canal. “All you need is an inch.” It serves as a good reminder—if they give you an inch, take it.

The larger photo is of my grandfather on my dad's side being photographed in his ice boat Thunder Jet. I'm from Wisconsin, so when the water freezes, these guys need something to do. Ice boating is a wild sport, and my grandfather was a legend of sorts in that world. There's something gritty and blue-collar about it, but it still holds this gentlemanly undertone. I really love that photo.

The newest addition
is my Ricoh GR-III.

Photography has evolved from hobby to obsession for me. I have worked with the same photographer in Italy for years now, and he turned me on to the GR-III. They're impossible to find in the States, but one popped up on Facebook Marketplace over the summer and I pounced. I take it everywhere I go. I am still very much a student, but I ask enough questions during shoots to pick up a thing or two. Sometimes I even get lucky and they make it on the grid.

One project created at this desk that I’m most proud of ...

Has to be the garment line. I created the physical products and sketches in Italy, but the line really came to life when I was back in the States and able to bring it all together cohesively from the comfort of my own desk.

My calendar is my north star.

But not in an obsessive kind of way. I keep meetings and appointments on there, and I'll block off time if there is anything that requires any sort of protected window. I tried the whole 'schedule everything' thing and it never seemed to actually unfold that way, so now I stick with the old-fashioned way for my to-do list. It feels more important if I am writing it down with pen and paper.

I design by hand—it always starts there.

It's just easier for me, and candidly I'm not very good with all the fancy programs out there. It also feels more personal, and I can communicate the vision better from head to hand. From there, it goes digital. We make everything by hand, so it wouldn't feel right for the design process to be any other way.

I’ve tried a handful of productivity tools.

I installed an email prioritizing/sorting plug-in recently, and that was a big time fail for me. I think I am finding myself on the other side of that wave these days. There's an app for everything, and I have a tough time keeping it all straight and learning how to use or integrate something new every other week. I'm actually on a mission to reduce the app count personally and across the business.

I spend a lot of time talking about this with friends and other entrepreneurs.

For me, it's kind of second nature to be able to bounce between the two at any given moment. If I catch a flow-state in either side, I try to ride that as long as I can—whether it be hours or days. Because once that's gone, you can't get it back, so it's important to me to take advantage of that opportunity. I'm an early riser, so I try to spend the first three or fours hours of my day on something creative before the world starts interrupting that process. It's easier for me to do the business stuff on a more stop-and-go cadence because there's usually an end goal. Creative tends to be a bit more open-ended.

I eat at my desk.

But I'm not opposed to lunch away from the desk or anything like that. I tend to obsess over time efficiency, so I find it less stressful for my working style and schedule. I usually treat it as a 30-minute window to knock out my daily reading.

Do you work the same schedule most days?

Absolutely not, but I do try to keep it directionally consistent since I dig a solid routine. It depends on the time of year, the various projects going on, and where I or the team is physically located that day. The hours are always the same—I usually start at 6 am and go until around 6 pm before I take a gym and dinner break. I'll pick it back up around eight and go until whenever I lose steam, which is usually around 10 or 11. That schedule stays mostly true for when I'm working in Italy also.

Mornings and evenings is when the world tends to quiet down.

It's the only tangible trick for focusing that has ever really worked for me. I am getting pulled in various directions during the workday, so that protected time has become critical for my focus work.

I will toss on some background music in the morning—usually something mindless without vocals. It also gives me some inspiration for music to record for an ad or campaign from time to time. Lately I have been listening to a lot of old-school blues for an upcoming concept we're working on, so I've been bending those rules a bit.

Am I a big believe in “inbox zero”?

Yes. My brain is just wired that way. I'll come clean though—very recently this has started to slip for the first time in my life, and this question was very helpful motivation in knocking that back down to zero!

I don’t ever “switch off”,
but maybe that’s okay.

I am always 'on', as they say. I have a tough time delineating between work and play. Admittedly, sometimes it really can get obsessive. But it feels fairly natural most of the time. It's just kinda part of who I am, and my job is a reflection of that at any given moment, so I just sort of treat it as all the same 'life'. I will kick back and throw on a Bucks game or movie in the background before I call it a night—but even then I'll take note of a design or a shot that I find interesting.

One element that’s contributed greatly
to my growth is ...

Staying open-minded and dynamic, which really just comes down to curiosity and a willingness to learn. We tend to put people and things in nice little boxes based on their current occupation or situation. It's easy to frame. But we all know that only paints a partial picture. I've had a lot of interactions where people will discredit my design work solely due to my background, or vice versa. Why can't we be good at more than one thing or learn something new? Being able to get over that hump has probably contributed the most to my own growth, both personally and professionally.

This setup is a lot different than my first desk.

My first job out of college was as an investment banking analyst. I did the whole 100-hour a week thing in a cubicle under fluorescent lighting. Back then I didn't care much about my desk, as long as it had enough space to take a nap under, I was good (what a letdown when Wall Street wasn't anything like the movies!). The view is much better now. The ocean helps keep me calm.

Back then I did learn how to really push myself and understand my own limits, both physically and mentally. Obsessing at any given hour over the smallest details, understanding where you're at and how you're feeling in that moment, and how that is all going to affect the broader outcome. That just comes with relentless repetition, and I look back on those days with gratitude that I put myself through that experience early in my career.

Follow What Brady
Is Doing

@bradyperrigo // @deltoro