The Daily Valet. - 8/14/20, Friday

✔️ We Need This Now

The Daily Valet.

Friday, August 14th Edition

Cory Ohlendorf, Editor in Chief of Valet.

I’m pretty confident I’ll vote by mail this year. You?

   Cory Ohlendorf  , Editor ⋯ @coryohlendorf 

  • Valet. will be on an "end of summer break" next week.

  •   I'll be using the time to move from Miami to Los Angeles.

  •   We'll be back on Monday, August 24th.

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Today’s Big Story


We Need Mail. Especially for Voting.

Cost-cutting and turmoil at the Postal Service

Voter ballot drop box

A year ago, I didn’t think much about the mail. Did any of us? Then the pandemic hit and suddenly people were sending real letters through the post again. And now mail-in voting seems to be the answer to long, potentially dangerous lines at polling places come November. The United States Postal Service has possibly never been more important, or more embattled.

The 245-year-old organization has faced years of criticism from President Trump. And according to the Los Angeles Times, as the election nears with his prospects uncertain, the president has intensified his unfounded claims against voting by mail and his institutional attacks on the government service charged with getting ballots to voters and back.

But mail-in and absentee votes are integral to a whole lot of Americans. Take first our servicemen and women, fighting oversees. They mail in their ballots. So too do those who live temporarily in other states for work or those who happen to reside in more remote, rural areas.

Election officials expect to send a record number of mail-in ballots to voters this fall, as states seek to avoid the spread of the deadly coronavirus at in-person polling places. Several states have announced they’re sending ballots to all registered voters. And at least 76% of American voters can cast ballots by mail or in drop boxes this fall, reports the Washington Post.

But many news outlets reported yesterday that President Trump admitted he’s intentionally withholding money from the U.S. Postal Service to undermine its ability to handle mail-in voting in the 2020 election. “They need that money in order to make the Post Office work so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots,” Trump said on Fox Business Thursday morning of the states that are implementing universal mail-in voting ahead of the November election. “But if they don’t get those two items, that means you can’t have universal mail-in voting, because they’re not equipped to have it.”

Mail delivery has slowed significantly in recent months, and many Democrats have accused the Trump administration of intentionally sabotaging the post office. Many postal workers are no longer allowed to work overtime, slowing the process of sorting and delivering the mail. And Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has recently come under fire for his investments in Amazon.

  Meanwhile:  This upcoming Michael Cohen book sounds like a real doozy.

Israel and U.A.E. Agree to Establish Formal Diplomatic Ties

As part of deal, Israel agreed not to annex parts of the occupied West Bank

Israel and the United Arab Emirates agreed Thursday to end decades of hostility in a historic deal announced by President Trump that would put Israeli annexation of West Bank lands on hold as a condition of normalizing relations, reports the Washington Post.

The UAE move is expected to increase pressure on Saudi Arabia and others in the Gulf region to follow suit, according to the Wall Street Journal. But such a shift would be particularly tricky for the Saudi monarchy, which has vied with Iran to be seen as the defender of the Palestinian cause.

Trump boasted the deal was a major development for the region, and according to Ghaith Al-Omari, senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, it is. He calls it a rare case of win-win-win.

The new agreement is rooted in the national interests of both the UAE and Israel, but its implications go far beyond that. For Netanyahu, the agreement is a major diplomatic win. Plus it also gives him a way out of a politically tricky corner he had painted himself into, strengthening his tenuous hold on power.

 FYI: The agreement makes the UAE only the third Arab country to currently have diplomatic relations with the Jewish nation, after Egypt and Jordan recognized Israel’s right to exist decades ago

Special Promotion

Treat her to a great time. This modern wellness brand can deliver plenty of bang in the bedroom.

Researchers: PDFs Are Terrible for Humans

This really isn’t news to anyone, is it?

Jakob Nielsen, co-founder of the user experience research and consulting firm Nielsen Norman Group, has researched the shortcomings of PDFs for more than two decades.

His most recent assessment was co-authored by a user experience specialist and is simply titled, “PDF: Still Unfit for Human Consumption, 20 Years Later.”

Several reasons are given as to why PDFs are problematic when used for online reading. Some of the usability issues mentioned include a jarring user experience, slow load times, unnecessary content, unnavigable content masses, and the fact that PDFs are sized for paper and not screens. 

According to Vice, “anyone who has read a PDF on their smartphone is familiar with the experience of having to pinch their fingers to zoom in and out and scroll around.” It's a drag. And really, why hasn't there been more improvements in this area?

 How to: Sign a PDF (for free) and four other tricks that don’t require Adobe Acrobat, according to Fast Company.

Apple and Google Remove ‘Fortnite’ From App Stores

The developer filed a lawsuit in retaliation

On Thursday, Epic Games snuck in an update for both the iPhone and Android versions of the game that allowed users to pay Epic directly for in-app purchases instead of using the officially sanctioned payment system for both platforms.

Players who bought “V-bucks” through its direct payment process would get a permanent 20% discount on their purchases. The move was meant to encourage players to make their purchases outside of Apple and Google's systems.

What followed was a wild ride. Apple kicked Fortnite off the App Store, reports The Verge. Then Google followed suit, removing it from the Play Store for Android.

Within a few hours, Epic responded with a lawsuit against the company, calling it a “behemoth seeking to control markets, block competition and stifle innovation.” In the suit, Epic said its goal was to “end Apple's unfair and anti-competitive actions” in its App Store and its in-app payment processing market. 

 FYI: Google, unlike Apple, allows people to download apps via third-party marketplaces, so Epic can still make the game available to those users.

In Other News

Other Things We’re Talking About Today


Special Promotion

This Small Package Packs a Big Bang

Is it time for an intimacy upgrade?

By now, you're likely familiar with Promescent. The popular sexual wellness brand has made a name for itself with a line of cutting-edge products that are backed up by years of scientific and medical research. The collection includes a line of modern condoms along with delay sprays and a smart supplement engineered to increase your stamina—both in life and in the bedroom. But one of their most popular items is the Female Arousal Gel.

The slippery gel is a hybrid combining the best properties from both silicone and water-based lubes, designed to be used with a partner or solo. It's made to target her most sensitive areas while heightening her arousal and pleasure. But what's it really feel like? Well, the company says it provides a gentle buzzing sensation that you begin feeling within five minutes of application. What's more, a little goes a long way. You'll need just a pea-sized amount, so this tiny tube can get up to 75 uses. And then there's the 100% satisfaction guarantee. So there's really no way you won't be satisfied.

 Get It: $19.95 / $16.95 w/code VALET15 at Promescent

What We’re Buying

Cool Material Coffee Scoop Bag Clip

It's a simple kitchen upgrade that won't cost much but will make a big difference. The scoop and clip solves a common problem in your coffee routine. No need to keep the scoop in the bag, and no more concerns on how to keep the bag properly sealed. The stainless steel tool is built to last and keeps you even more organized in the morning. What's not to like?

 Get It  $6.95 at Cool Material

Today’s Deals


Expires 8/16

Freemans Sporting Club

Expires 8/21

Crate & Barrel

Expires 9/9

 Want More? See all 67 sales

Morning Motto

If you’re not growing, you’re dying.

Let change change you.

 Follow: @gray.goslin

That’s all for today...

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