The Daily Valet. - 6/17/20, Wednesday

✔️ A Steady Rise

The Daily Valet.

Wednesday, June 17th Edition

Cory Ohlendorf, Editor in Chief of Valet.

Can I borrow $74,000?

   Cory Ohlendorf  , Editor ⋯ @coryohlendorf 

Today's edition is presented by


Today’s Big Story


Record Single-Day Increases

As states reopen, some are seeing a disturbing rise in COVID-19 cases

COVID-19 testing

The coronavirus continued its steady spread across the Sun Belt on Tuesday, with state officials in Arizona, Florida and Texas all reporting their largest one-day increases in new cases yet.

The new daily highs came as all three states have increased testing and moved swiftly to ease social distancing restrictions and allow more businesses to reopen. They were among 20 states that have seen the number of newly reported cases grow over the last two weeks, according to a New York Times database.

Vice President Mike Pence, the leader of the administration’s coronavirus task force, is publicly painting a rosy picture of the pandemic through his words and actions amid the White House’s push to reopen the country and resume campaigning, reports CNN.

And despite their efforts, there’s a concerning uptick in people sick with the virus in at least 18 states. Which is why health officials have implored Americans to heed the CDC’s guidelines—including wearing a face mask in public and social distancing—to slow the spread, and a key model used by the White House is now projecting more than 200,000 deaths by October.

Meanwhile, in Oklahoma, health officials on Tuesday announced the state’s highest single-day increase in new coronavirus cases since the virus was first confirmed in March, reports Newsweek. This, just days before President Trump is expected to resume holding indoor stadium campaign rallies, starting in Tulsa.

While we’re all ready to return to some form of normal life, these numbers tell a different story.

  FYI:  Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease specialist, says he’s nervous about re-openings and that he personally wouldn’t go to a gathering like Trump’s rallies right now.

🤔 What's wrong with wearing a mask?

Trump Signs Police Reform Order

But doesn’t mention racism or police brutality

Following weeks of national protests since the death of George Floyd, President Trump signed an executive order Tuesday that he said would encourage better police practices. But according to the Associated Press, he made no mention of the roiling national debate over racism spawned by police killings of black men and women.

His plan was swiftly panned by Democrats and liberal groups as falling far short of the sweeping changes needed to address what they have called a culture of systemic racism and brutality that sparked the protests, reports the Washington Post.

At the event, the president surrounded himself with uniformed officers and police union officials. He had met ahead of the ceremony with the families of black people killed by police—including Atatiana Jefferson, Botham Jean, Jemel Roberson and others—but they did not join him for his remarks.

The text of Trump's order stipulated that Attorney General William Barr will be charged with encouraging local police departments to pursue “best practices” regarding use-of-force and de-escalation techniques, including the prohibition of chokeholds “except in those situations where the use of deadly force is allowed by law.” But that last one does seem somewhat opaque, doesn't it?

 Dig Deeper: Read the full text of Trump's executive order on policing.

Special Promotion

Want to last longer in bed? This spray is recommended by doctors for men looking to build confidence and increase intimacy with their partner.

Scientist Predicted 2020 Would Be a Mess

He called it a decade ago. Here is what’s next.

Peter Turchin, a scientist specializing in cultural evolution and mathematical modeling, made a prediction that 2020 would be mayhem, after analyzing declining wages, wealth inequality and other social pressures, reports Time.

His theory was published at the time in the scientific journal Nature and in 2013, he reiterated his prediction in an essay in Aeon.

“We are rapidly approaching a historical cusp, at which the U.S. will be particularly vulnerable to violent upheaval,” he wrote. “If we understand the causes, we have a chance to prevent it from happening. But we'll have to reverse the trend of ever-growing inequality.” Clearly, we didn’t do that ... and here we are.

“As a scientist, I feel vindicated,” Turchin old Time. “But on the other hand, I am an American and have to live through these hard times.” What's more, he warned that the worst may be yet to come—as societal crises like this typically last anywhere from five to 15 years.

Boston Dynamics Will Sell You a “Spot” Robot for $74,500

It’s like a Roomba that’s way more intimidating

Robotics company Boston Dynamics announced today that U.S. businesses can now purchase the “explorer” version of its robot Spot at a cost of $74,500, reports The Verge. This is the first time the company has made any of its robots available for sale.

It's definitely not cheap, but the company says you're getting the most advanced mobile robot in the world, able to go pretty much anywhere a human can (as long as there are no ladders involved).

According to Vice, the quadruped robot has been used to herd sheep in New Zealand and even used in parks in Singapore to promote safe physical distancing during the coronavirus pandemic.

I know what you're thinking ... in the movies, this is where things go wrong. But the Boston Dynamics says it will enforce a code of use for the robot: no weapon attachments and no use cases that can “harm or intimidate people.” Personally, for the price, I think I'd rather get a Tesla Model S.

 FYI: The company has leased around 150 Spot units to customers so far.

In Other News

Other Things We’re Talking About Today


Special Promotion

Stay In the Game Longer

Promescent has cutting-edge bedroom solutions for modern men

Cutting-edge sexual wellness brand Promescent has been making waves lately, but they’re not new. In fact, the company is backed by years of advanced medical research and development. Their popular Delay Spray is recommended by over 2,200 urologists nationwide because it’s effective with only minimal side effects. In fact, it’s the only delay spray in North America that’s undergone a certified clinical study to prove its’ efficacy.

The climax-control spray is designed to help you have longer-lasting, more enjoyable intimacy. The spray uses patented TargetZone technology which gives the lidocaine more effective absorption—meaning it will have little to no transfer to your partner when used as directed. To make things even easier, each bottle of Promescent comes standard with a metered-dose, delivering approximately 10mg of lidocaine per spray. All you have to do is spritz, wait ten minutes and then enjoy longer sessions without worrying about finishing too soon.

What's more, for a limited time you can get 15% off all of Promescent's sexual wellness products w/code VALET15.

 Get It: $22.95 / $19.50 w/code VALET15 at Promescent

What We’re Buying

Tooletries Harvey Oliver Shower Organizer Caddy

Have you gotten serious about keeping your bathroom in order? If not, it's high time to find a better way to store your bathroom essentials than a grimy cup you've reluctantly taken from your kitchen set. The Harvey & Oliver set is the pinnacle of shower organization, and meant to get you in and out of the shower as fast as possible. Its silicone base holds toothpastes, toothbrushes, razors and more. The mirror is even fog-resistant and shatterproof. Plus, you can get 15% off with code SCRUB15. It's an easy and affordable way to make your morning routine more simple.

 Get It $35 / $29.75 at Tooletries

Today’s Deals

Public Rec

Expires 6/17

Expires 6/17

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Morning Motto

Set your own standards.

Break the rules. Until you make them.

 Follow: @pepiart

That’s all for today...

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