The Daily Valet. - 5/23/23, Tuesday

✔️ A Historic Deal

The Daily Valet.
The Daily Valet.

Tuesday, May 23rd Edition

Cory Ohlendorf

By Cory Ohlendorf, Valet. Editor

We’re talking about feet pics below, but don’t worry … it’s all safe for work.

Today’s Big Story

Breakthrough Deal to Save Water

Three states agree to historic cuts to save the Colorado River, which is going dry to feed cows


We ask a lot of our water. The U.S. water system is a sprawling, complex series of networks with the mission of providing safe, reliable and cheap drinking water to hundreds of millions of people. But, for years now, we've heard about how the American West is in a “water crisis.”At the heart of that crisis is the Colorado River. But on Monday, the Department of Interior announced that Arizona, California and Nevada struck an agreement to draw less water from the Colorado River, which has been strained by a historic climate change-induced megadrought and decades of overuse.According to the Washington Post, the river is incredibly important. Running through seven states, it provides hydropower to millions, and supplies water to more than 40 million people—including across some of the country's largest cities, like Los Angeles and Phoenix. The farmlands that rely on it stock the nation's supermarkets with vegetables throughout the winter.Collectively, the cuts amount to an unprecedented 13% reduction of total water use in the lower Colorado basin. But many experts believe that won't be enough and that this agreement is only a temporary solution.That's because despite all the news stories about drought-stricken Americans taking shorter showers and ditching lawns to conserve their water supply, those efforts won't really amount to much. Residential water use isn't the issue. It's agriculture. Specifically, animal feed. When you zoom in to look at exactly which crops receive the bulk of the Colorado River's water, 70% goes to alfalfa, hay, corn silage, and other grasses that are used to fatten up cattle for beef and cows for dairy. So there are definitely a few things to figure out for the next round of negotiations—about what to do after this deal runs out in 2026—which are set to begin next month.

Dig Deeper:

The sprawling U.S. water system is central to the nation’s economy, but chronic underinvestment and increasing demand have revealed weaknesses.  

No Debt Ceiling Deal Yet

Both Sides agreed the meeting was “productive”  

President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy could not reach an agreement Monday on how to raise the U.S. government's $31.4 trillion debt ceiling with just 10 days before a possible default that could sink the U.S. economy. But they vowed to keep talking.“We don't have an agreement yet, but I did feel the discussion was productive in areas that we have differences of opinion,” McCarthy, told NBC News leaving the Oval Office. He added that the “tone tonight was better than any other night we've had discussions.” The meeting took place mere hours after the Treasury Department issued its latest warning—this time, using more urgent language — that the United States is “highly likely” to run out of cash and other options in early June, perhaps as soon as the first of the month.A source familiar with the situation said that White House negotiators were returning to Capitol Hill on Monday night to resume talks. Meanwhile, Republican Rep. Ken Buck told CNN that he and his GOP colleagues aren't in a panic over a potential government default – and they believe a deal to raise the nation's borrowing cap will come together in the 11th hour.


The recent footwear choices of those meeting in the Oval Office were called into question. And rightfully so, if you ask me.

It stomps the previous record, the $177 million price tag that the Netscape co-founder paid for his place, in Malibu, in 2021. That busted Jeff Bezos’ record of $160 million for a Beverly Hills home in 2020. (We’re not looking up fourth place! Gold, silver, and bronze are all that count, zillionaires!)”

- Vanity Fair on Beyoncé and Jay-Z's new $200 million home

What We Know About Instagram’s Twitter Clone

The new ‘text-based app’ could let you create Twitter-like posts on a timeline

Everyone seems to be trying to come up with a Musk-free Twitter alternative these days. Of course, the buzziest one is Bluesky from former Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, but even Instagram is throwing their hat in the ring.According to Lia Haberman's ICYMI newsletter, Instagram's new text-based conversation app may be here as early as the end of June. Called P92, Project 92 or Barcelona (all temporary for now), this “Instagram for your thoughts” won't quite be the Twitter clone that other social media start-ups have been pitching.Perhaps most significantly, The Verge says, this new Instagram text app will have an element of decentralization as well. Yes, it'll work with your current sign-in and sync up with your followers, but it will also be compatible with other social media services like Mastodon. And users on other apps will be able to “search for, follow and interact with your profile and content.”


TechCrunch reports that Meta wants to initially give early access to certain public figures, like athletes and actors.

Feet Pics For a Good Cause

One savvy animal shelter sells ‘Spicy’ Feet Pics

Here's some good—and downright hilarious—news. We all know that with platforms that make grown-up content creation more accessible, jokes and memes about “selling feet pics” have become commonplace. But they're funny because they're true. Even Harry Styles held up a devoted fan's poster at a concert last year, which proclaimed “I sold feet pics to be here.”Well, one savvy animal shelter decided to give it a try, relying on their roster of furry, four-footed residents. The Kansas Humane Society created a fundraising campaign online, dubbed “OnlyPaws,” where they would share “toe bean” photos of dogs and cats in the shelter (along with all sorts of other animals) in hopes of bringing in some much-needed money for the shelter.“Times are TOUGH, and our pets need to pull their weight, so we're selling their feet pics on the internet,” they posted to social media. And you know what? It worked. The shelter raked in over $8,000 throughout the campaign. Just goes to show you, a little creativity and humor goes a long way.


In other good news, engineers have found a way to make incredibly strong concrete out of shredded disposable diapers.

In Other News


The cumulative weight of all the skyscrapers in the city is 1.68 trillion pounds.

Have you heard about ...

Pickle ball

Stop Envying Your Friends

It’s natural, sure, but there are tactics to save yourself


When you’re scrolling through your social feeds, it can feel like everyone's out there living such fun and fascinating lives. Of course, we know deep down that those influencers aren't always showing the reality behind the gloss. But what about our friends and colleagues? We see and hear about their lives all the time and it's only natural to start comparing yourself to them.One buddy is taking a two-week trip to Africa. Another is learning how to give himself tattoos. Your coworker brings the most amazing leftovers for lunch because he's practically a chef at home. What about your friend who always shows up looking amazingly put-together? We all wish we had his easygoing elegance and natural sense of style, right? These kind of thoughts are common and they're enough to get any self-respecting guy down in the dumps now and then. But you can take comfort in the fact that this is all normal. And that there are tactics to alleviate those feelings.


A respected neuropsychologist offers up an easy toolkit to help beat back those feelings of jealousy.


What We’re Buying

A Leather Belt

Bleu de Chauffe Maillon leather belt

The devil's in the details, and an excellent belt can be the unsung hero of the entire outfit. Bleu de Chauffe's version is made in France from a vedge-tanned leather with a burnished gold-tone buckle fastening.

Get It:

Maillon leather belt, $100 / $70 by Bleu de Chauffe

Morning Motto

Failure is a redirection.

Failures are not a problem—but not taking the opportunity to learn from them is.


Share today’s motto:
