The Daily Valet. - 1/5/23, Thursday

✔️ The Kraken Is Released

The Daily Valet.

Thursday, January 5th Edition

Cory Ohlendorf

By Cory Ohlendorf, Valet. Editor

If you don't have TSA Pre-Check yet, you'll want it by the end of this newsletter.

Today’s Big Story

The Kraken Is Released

What is the Kraken COVID variant, and what’s with the monster nickname?


Just when you think it's safe to hang up your mask ... For weeks, scientists have been watching a slew of Omicron descendants duke it out for dominance of COVID-19 transmission in the United States, and it appears we have a winner. The subvariant named XBB 1.5 (nicknamed “the Kraken”) accounts for more than 40% of confirmed U.S. cases at the moment, which is up about 20% from one week ago, according to the CDC.Virologists and epidemiologists say this Omicron sublineage has features that give it the potential to drive a new surge of cases, since it's more transmissible and evades the immune system better than other Omicrons. Scientists told CNBC the variant has mutations that could allow the virus to evade vaccine boosters and cause more breakthrough infections. This is something I can confirm, since I just tested positive (for the first time ever) as a relatively paranoid, quadruple vaxxed germaphobe. The good news, at least for now, is that XBB 1.5 is not causing an uptick in hospitalizations or deaths, despite the scary nickname. The reason it got that moniker was due to its rapid and efficient spread.In addition to being highly immune evasive, XBB.1.5 has an additional trick up its sleeve that seems to be helping to fuel its growth. It has a key mutation at site 486, which allows it to bind more tightly to ACE2, the doors the virus uses to enter our cells. Still, experts say it's hard to know how much of XBB.1.5's growth can be attributed to properties of the virus and how much simply to good timing.Virologists will tell you that coming out of the holidays—while we were all traveling and socializing more—gives any infection, whether it's the flu, COVID or RSV, more room to run. So be careful out there, will ya?

the Bright side:

There do not appear to be any additional COVID-19 symptoms tied to XBB.1.5 that are different than normal symptoms.

G.O.P. Rebellion Paralyzes House

House adjourns after tense vote as McCarthy plays for more time after six rounds of voting

The House voted Wednesday to adjourn, yet again, since Republican leader Kevin McCarthy said he wanted more time to negotiate after six rounds of voting on the speakership resulted in deadlock.It's the first time since 1923 that the speaker vote has required multiple ballots and it's unclear when—or how—lawmakers will choose a speaker. With both McCarthy allies and foes deeply dug in, it ensures that chaos will reign in the House for the foreseeable future under the new GOP majority.A “negotiating group” was expected to meet later Wednesday to hash out differences behind closed doors and attempt to reach a compromise. But so far, there's little sign that the stalemate can be broken. Even after former President Donald Trump called on House Republicans to back McCarthy and “close the deal.”


Religiously, Congress doesn't reflect America according to a new Pew Research survey.

They've gone from upstart YouTube channel to undeniably influential reporting powerhouse. And they’re just getting started.”

The Porsche 911 Hybrid Is Finally Happening

It's been In the works for more than a decade

A hybrid version of the Porsche 911 has been rumored for years now. When the current 911 chassis, the 992, debuted four years ago, one of the big talking points was its gearbox, which has provisions for an electric motor. At the time, then-911 chief engineer August Achleitner said Porsche hadn't committed to actually making a hybrid. But much has changed since November 2018.The German automaker's CEO, Oliver Blume reconfirmed that a hybrid version of the famous sports car is on the way in a recent interview with Car magazine. Just don't expect an all-electric variant to soon follow. Porsche wants to keep an internal combustion engine in the 911 for the foreseeable future.This statement comes just weeks after Porsche announced that it had begun producing a nearly carbon-neutral synthetic fuel and was testing it out in the 911.


Porsche has several anniversaries this year. 2023 will mark the 60th anniversary of the 911 and the 75th anniversary of the company.

TSA’s Wildest Catches of 2022

Be sure to thank your hard-working TSA agents the next time you fly

One of the best investments you can make in terms of your time and sanity is TSA Pre-Check. I love that it streamlines the security process and keeps me away from clueless travelers that take way too much time in line ... and apparently, show up with life-threatening weapons.2022 was a year of odd finds and catches at airport security points, where agents of the Transportation Security Administration screen hundreds of thousands of passengers daily. The TSA recently released its list of top 10 catches at nation's airports, from inert grenades and drugs hidden inside hair scrunchies to a loaded handgun stuffed inside a raw chicken.Would you believe that by mid-December of 2022, the TSA had intercepted 6,301firearms? That's a 10% increase from 2021. And did you know they're rarely confiscated? If a passenger arrives at a checkpoint with a prohibited item, they're given options: they could put the item in a checked bag; hand it off to a non-traveling companion; mail it to their home or final destination, or they can voluntarily surrender it to TSA. 

Good Boys/Girls:

Around 325 dogs complete the TSA's canine training each year.

In Other News

US auto sales

Shortages of computer chips and other vital parts were to blame.

Have you heard about ...

Rowing machine
31 Days

Increase Your Flexibility

Don’t overlook this vital part of your health

Flexibility stretches

When it comes to physical goals, flexibility isn't usually at the top of the list, is it? No, it's usually about broader shoulders, bigger arms or shredded abs.And while those are great, if you can't easily touch your toes or struggle to put your shoes on in cramped environments, then you're overlooking a vital part of your health. And even for active guys, neglecting your flexibility may be hindering results in the gym. Rigorous workouts combined with the back-breaking posture from the typical work grind can stifle strength gains and even prep you for an injury if you're not careful. The good news, according to experts, is that it's not difficult to improve your flexibility. You simply have to keep these guidelines in mind going forward. You'll be bending and twisting (not to mention lifting more and standing taller) in no time.



What We’re Buying

The Adsum x Nanga Down Shirt

Adsum x Nanga down shirt

We spoke with Pete Macnee, the founder and creative director of Adsum, for our Style Strategies column about making quality clothes that never go out of style. When we asked him what every man needs in his closet right now, his answer was a down-filled jacket ($385) like this one.


Morning Motto

Give yourself permission to dream big.

What if it all turns out better than you could have ever imagined?


Share today’s motto:
