The Daily Valet. - 12/6/22, Tuesday

✔️ Hypotheticals Gone Wild

The Daily Valet.

Tuesday, December 6th Edition

Cory Ohlendorf

By Cory Ohlendorf, Valet. Editor

I gave into the Lensa peer pressure, how about you?

Presented by

Uncrate Supply

Today’s Big Story

Hypotheticals Gone Wild

Supreme Court seems set to side with web designer opposed to same-sex marriage

Supreme Court

An old battle from the culture wars returns. The case of a web designer from Colorado who refuses to build websites for same-sex couples landed in the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday. The case—a sequel to one from 2018 involving a baker that failed to yield a definitive ruling—is expected to settle the question of whether creative businesses open to the public can refuse to provide services to customers based on their religious views or other convictions.Arguments in the case were slated to last just over an hour but stretched to two-and-a-half, as the justices grilled lawyers about the potentially broad ramifications of denying services. Hypotheticals about mall Santas who are Black, interracial marriage and “reeducation programs” for those who violate public-accommodation laws filled the hearing.Politico says that officially, the case pits a religious businessperson against the state's desire to protect LGBTQ people, “but the arguments before the justices Monday seemed to come back again and again to that subject that infects so many Washington conversations: politics.”Colorado's law actually bars companies that open their doors to the public from refusing to serve people based on certain characteristics like sexual orientation. And the state's Attorney General Phil Weiser says the nation's highest court has ruled in favor of state-level anti-discrimination laws and he will emphasize that precedent. The Biden administration and LGBTQ advocacy organizations are also backing Colorado. Unfortunately, little in Monday's oral argument suggests that the Supreme Court will rule in Colorado's favor.Analysts say that the court's conservative majority seemed prepared to rule that the graphic designer has a free speech right under the First Amendment to refuse services to LGBT customers. According to the New York Times, such a ruling would not only be another victory for conservatives after the court shifted to the right in recent years. But it would also chip away at the right to same-sex marriage established in 2015—which two current justices have urged their colleagues to reconsider


Supreme Court is likely to rule that Biden student loan plan is illegal, experts say. Here’s what that means for borrowers.

CDC Encourages Masking Over the Holidays

Not just for COVID, but To stop the spread of other germs like FLU and RSV

As we prepare to meet friends and family for the holidays, it feels like we're finally getting back to normal after years of Zoom get-togethers followed by variant surges that canceled plans. But this season hasn't exactly been easy either.We've been hit with an early, sharp surge of flu and spiking cases of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) among children that are currently at a critical juncture. Oh, and experts warn that we shouldn't count out a wave of COVID-19 cases on the horizon. Which is why the CDC on Monday encouraged people to wear masks (when appropriate) to help reduce the spread of respiratory illnesses.How concerned you are with getting or spreading COVID probably depends on your individual circumstances, health and location, but masking is fairly simple and will prevent you (and others) from swapping germs while traveling. Personally, I hated that I would tend to get sick after all the holiday travel. So I'm happy to mask up around strangers on a crowded plane. And CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky told CNBC that it's not too late and strongly encouraged everyone who is eligible to receive their COVID booster and flu shot.


Vox spoke with physicians for the best steps to take to protect yourself and your loved ones from COVID, RSV and flu this winter.


Let the gents at Uncrate Supply assist.

Robot Parking Lots Are Now a Thing

But it costs at least $300,000 per space

Robot parking

Hidden deep below some of New York City's most luxurious apartment buildings is an exclusive world of futuristic parking spaces where high-end vehicles are parked and retrieved at the touch of a button ... by a robot.After all, everyone knows that parking in any city can be a real pain in the ass. Which is why in some ultra-expensive Manhattan buildings, robotic parking systems have become the next great amenity. The spaces—available only for residents (or for residents to rent out)—can cost anywhere from $300,000 to $595,000. Just for the parking space.But it sure does sound fun. According to Robb Report, you pull your car up to a kiosk where a radio-frequency identification tag gives you access to the garage. Next, you position your ride on a robo-operated pallet that shoots up to meet you and then whisks the vehicle away to the basement, where it's slotted into an empty space by the mechanical parking system. To retrieve your car, you show the RFID card again and the process is reversed in just over two minutes. Your own personal auto vending machine.


By the most recent estimates, New York City has roughly three million on-street parking spaces, most of which are free.

America’s ‘Most Sinful’ Cities

Based on a new report, which ranks over 180 places

Yes, Las Vegas has long been dubbed “Sin City,” but it's far from United States' only bastion of excess, anger, jealousy, greed, lust, vanity and laziness. Turns out, there are plenty of cities in the United States that have a spot on Santa's naughty list this year.A new analysis from WalletHub compared 182 cities, including 150 of the most populous in the nation, to determine which were the most “sinful.” From beer-loving Milwaukee to the hedonistic parties of New Orleans and Miami, this country is filled with people enjoying illicit thrills. Of course, Vegas topped the list. But the top five included some surprises like Philadelphia and my hometown of St. Louis.How'd they get their information? They sourced data from organizations including the FBI, IRS, Census Bureau, the Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Google and even Tinder. Researchers then weighted metrics such as bullying rate, share of obese adults, excessive drinking, debt-to-income ratio, teen birth rate, volunteer rate and average daily time spent watching TV to determine a city's overall score for sin.

In Other News

Ukrainian air strikes

The blasts were the result of a Ukrainian drone attack.

Have you heard about ...

Cassette collections


Cool Gifts for Every Type of Guy

Uncrate Supply is stocked with impressive items for any man on your list

Uncrate Supply

Having a little trouble deciding what to get your dad, brother or significant other for the holidays? If he's one of those notoriously hard-to-shop-for guys, allow us to help. We asked the team at Uncrate Supply to offer up the ultimate list of perfect presents. Like the shop's motto, these are “objects of desire and tools of the trade”—handsome, well built and durable. Yes, some might have an air of mystery or danger, but nearly everything has a luxurious polish to it. From a cozy shawl collar pullover and sculpted steel steak knives to a powered paper airplane and rubber band gun, they're the kind of gifts anyone would love to unwrap.


Clockwise, from top left to right:

Shawl pullover sweater, $145 by National Athletic Goods; Powered paper airplane, $72 by Powerup and “The United States of Cocktails”, $95 by Brian Bartels


Clockwise, from top left to right:

Chroma blanket shirt, $148 by Outerknown; EDC gift set, $60 by A-Tech and “Investing in Wristwatches: Rolex”, $95 by Osvaldo Patrizzi and Mara Cappelletti

Want More Gift Ideas?

Morning Motto

Don’t let the petty stuff ruin the good stuff.

Imagine this: If you had $86,400 in your account ...


Share today’s motto:
