The Daily Valet. - 1/24/23, Tuesday

✔️ A Mind-Bending Discovery

The Daily Valet.
The Daily Valet.

Tuesday, January 24th Edition

Cory Ohlendorf

By Cory Ohlendorf, Valet. Editor

It's what is on the inside that matters. That's true of people and planets.

Today’s Big Story

Earth’s Core Just Stopped Spinning

The surprising finding might solve mysteries about climate and geological phenomena

Earth's core

Well here's some weird, and slightly unsettling,  news. Thousands of miles beneath your feet, Earth's interior might be broken. You see, the planet's inner core has recently stopped spinning, and may now be reversing the direction of its rotation, according to a surprising new study that probed the deepest reaches of Earth with seismic waves from earthquakes.First a little background: Earth's center is essentially a hot ball of iron and nickel roughly the size of Pluto, that's separated from the rest of the solid Earth by the liquid outer core. And the results of this latest study could help shine a light on the many planetary mysteries, including what part the inner core plays in maintaining our magnetic field and how it affects the speed of the whole planet's rotation—and thus the length of a day.These latest mind-boggling results suggest that Earth's inner core actually paused and began rotating in the opposite direction. And it does this on a periodic cycle lasting about 60 to 70 years. Which is a discovery that might explain some longstanding mysteries about climate and geological phenomena that occur on a similar timeframe.Exactly how the inner core rotates has been a matter of debate between scientists—and the latest research is expected to prove controversial. The study's authors believe last turning point was in the early 1970s, and they're predicting the next about-face will be in the mid-2040s.Of course, it must be noted this is more or less the plot of the 2003 disaster film The Core, but there's no need to worry about averting an impending apocalypse by nuking the center of Earth. While the core's rotation influences Earth's surface environment, scientists think this periodic spin switch is a normal part of its behavior that does not pose any risks for life on our planet.


Starting at the center, Earth is composed of four distinct layers. Sizzling heat, unimaginable pressure and some surprise diamonds: It’s all there, deep beneath us.

China Isn’t Worried About Covid Surge

Eight in 10 Chinese Citizens have caught Covid since restrictions were lifted in early December

China was bracing for an onslaught of new Covid infections during the Lunar New Year celebrations, but the possibility of a big rebound in the country over the next two or three months is remote as 80% of people have already been infected, a prominent government scientist said.That means approximately 1.2 billion people have contracted the virus since public health restrictions were lifted in early December. The Chinese government has claimed that only 72,000 people have died from COVID-19 in China, but many public health experts believe that the true death toll is likely much higher.Despite the lack of reliable government data, there are signs that Covid is already being transmitted freely in the countryside. Long lines of people have been forming outside village clinics there, according to state media. But researchers who looked at online searches for "fever," "Covid," and related terms on China's Baidu search platform, estimated that China's wave likely peaked in late December.


Over on social media, post-vaccine tremor fakers are being publicly, and delightfully trolled, reports Jezebel.

It’s clear that something in the great digital-workplace experiment has gone wrong.”

Is This the End of Animal Testing?

FDA no longer needs to require animal tests before human drug trials

People have associated the terms “lab rat” and “guinea pig” with scientific research for, well, what seems like forever. There are all sorts of testing and computer modeling done these days and yet animal testing remains a standard practice for drug approval. But maybe not for long.Just before the new year, Congress ended the requirement that all new drugs must be tested in two species – usually mice and a “higher order” mammal like rabbits or primates – before being tried in people. It's a big win for animal rights advocates, but pro-research groups are downplaying the law, saying it signals a slow turning of the tide—not a tsunami that will remake the drug approval process overnight.Research tools and computer algorithms still have gaps. And regulators won't immediately change their decades-long approach to proving safety and effectiveness. In the meantime, the standard ethical guidelines encourage minimizing the use of, and harm to, animals used in research. But now some experts propose an additional courtesy: repayment. It only seems fair, right?


A “harmless” sample of cells from one animal can produce millions of tons of lab-grown meat that's far better for the climate and animals.

Boston Dynamics’ Atlas Robot is Agile

The humanoid robot is definitely evolving its practical human skills


Boston Dynamics' Atlas machines are aiming to be the humans of the robot world when it comes to physical abilities. They can already do parkour and gymnastics, but recent upgrades have added new skills that make the bipedal bots even more like people than before.Or as Robb Report puts it, “the rate at which these robots are picking up skills is starting to get a little unsettling.” The Hyundai-owned robotics lab has just released a new video showing off the Atlas helping out a construction worker. The short clip, which is titled “Atlas Gets a Grip,” illustrates how the robot's list of abilities has grown by literal leaps and bounds since the last time we checked in on it.Gone are the stubby appendages for hands, replaced by claw-like grippers designed for heavy lifting. The video shows the Atlas working at a construction site. It picks up a board and places it between two boxes to form a bridge. Then it picks up a bag of tools and dashes over the bridge and through some scaffolding. But the tool bag needs to go to the second level of the structure—something the robot apparently realized and quickly throws the bag a considerable distance. If you're more scared than impressed, don't worry ... Atlas is a research platform, and not available for purchase. Yet.


Google sold Boston Dynamics to SoftBank in 2017, and SoftBank later sold a controlling stake of the company to Hyundai in late 2020.

In Other News

Monterey Park shooting

It will likely be left out of the FBI's nationwide crime statistics.

Have you heard about ...

31 Days

Break Out of Your Style Rut

Give your wardrobe a jumpstart (without going crazy)


When it comes to getting dressed, you know what you like. You know what you feel good in. But that's what makes it easy to fall into a routine of the same 'ol, same 'ol when it comes to your wardrobe. And that's not always a bad thing. Developing a personal uniform can save you from making a lot of choices in the morning and ensures that you always look and feel your best.But if you're getting asked “Didn't you wear that yesterday?” or if you've noticed that you look the same in every photo people post of you, it might be time to switch things up. Maybe you look at the clothes currently hanging in your closet and feel a little uninspired. Now is a great time to shake things up and experiment.We're not talking about a complete overhaul, just injecting some freshness into your everyday outfits. What we wear plays a big part in the way we think about ourselves, so these suggestions will help you shift to a new vibe without looking like you completely abandoned your signature style.



What We’re Buying

A Valentine’s Day Gift

Farmsteady ravioli making kit

You have about a month until Valentine’s Day, but don't wait until the last minute to express your love. Our team has pulled together 25 perfect gift ideas—items the girl or guy in your life might actually like (and use).

Get It:

Ravioli making kit, $30 by Farmsteady

Morning Motto

Focus on the things that bring you joy.

Do the things that make you happy.


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