The Daily Valet. - 12/20/19, Friday

✔️ The Decade's Most Important Design Ideas

The Daily Valet.

Friday, December 20th Edition

Cory Ohlendorf, Editor in Chief of Valet.

The last weekend to shop for gifts. I swore I was going to be done by now. Maybe next year ...

   Cory Ohlendorf  , Editor ⋯ @coryohlendorf 

Today’s Big Story


The Decade’s Most Important Design Ideas

The top design legacies of the 2010s, according to experts

The most important design ideas of the decade

While the early aughts had some big design debuts (iPhone, anyone?), it'd be a mistake to discount the impact design had on the past decade. To prove that point, Fast Company got some of the biggest design experts in the world to contribute their thoughts on the most important designs from the last 3,650 days.

After all, these were the years that saw the introduction of Tesla’s Model S, which used seductive design to push the entire car industry to rethink its dependence on fossil fuels, and the proliferation of the pussy hat, which gave visceral form to the #MeToo movement. Not to mention the rise and ubiquity of social media apps—which have likely touched all of our lives more than anything else on this list.

I like how writer Suzanne Labarre sums it up: "If the ’00s were design’s formative childhood in the third millennium, the 2010s were its wild teen years—more mature and confident, sure, but also prone to screwing up royally."

So check out the list for a dose of nostalgia and see if, like me, you find yourself gobsmacked thinking back about a time before iPads, drones and 🍑 🍆 😂.

  More Design:  Curbed examines how the 2010s tested interior design like no other decade before.

The Decade Without a Recession

It’s actually the first time in US history ...

In every decade since the period immediately before the Civil War, the US economy could be relied on to do one thing: tumble into a recession.

The last one, you might remember, technically stretched from December 2007 until June 2009, unleashing 18 months of massive job losses and historic rates of home foreclosures. Dubbed the "Great Recession," it also triggered a global financial crisis that some experts say contributed to the rise of authoritarian and populist leaders around the world.

But as of December, the American economy has expanded for a record 126 straight months, reports CNBC. It's the longest time period in the country’s history according to the National Bureau of Economic Research. 

Economists say the consistent expansion may be due to how low the economy was during the Great Recession. The current recovery has also been slower than previous economic booms, with smaller GDP growth and slower wage growth for the average worker.

The Chicken Sandwich Craze Continues

We’ll all be eating more chicken in 2020

Have you had one of Popeye's chicken sandwiches? I actually haven't gotten my hands on one yet—something I plan on taking care of while visiting family over the holidays.

But as you know, there's been a crush of people buying them. And the craze has boosted sales of other competing chicken sandwiches as well. That newfound popularity, combined with a swine flu in China, has led to stronger than average sales of chicken.

And retail prices for pork and beef are expected to rise over the winter, meaning we'll all be eating even more chicken in 2020, reports Bloomberg.

In other chicken (or not-exactly-chicken) news, Tech Crunch reports that a realistic, plant-based alternative meat is expected to launch in 2020 that will do for chicken what Impossible beef did for burgers.

 FYI: According to the USDA, the average American consumed 96 pounds of chicken in 2019.

The Winter Solstice Explained

A quick guide to the shortest day of the year

Tomorrow, the northern winter solstice occurs at 11:19 pm EST. The solstice happens at the same moment around the world, though its local time depends on which of the 24 times zones you call home, according to National Geographic.

It's officially the longest night and the shortest day of 2019, so every day after will get just a little longer and lighter. Why's this important? Well, who wants it dark at 4:30 pm? Also, if pagan rituals are your thing, this is probably a big moment for you. If not, the official first day of winter is still pretty cool.

The reason for the solstice is that the Earth is tilted with respect to the sun at an average of 23.5 degrees. This means that for half the year, the North Pole is pointed toward the sun and for the other half of the year, the South Pole gets more light. This is also why we have seasons.

But is it really the first day of winter? It all depends on who you ask, reports Vox. Meteorologically speaking, summer is defined as the hottest three months of the year, winter is the coldest three months, and the in-between months are spring and fall.

 The Upside: One benefit of winter weather? It actually gives us better sunsets.

Other Things We’re Talking About Today


Weekend Pairing

 The Witcher + a Hunter Cocktail

Today, Netflix releases it's highly-anticipated fantasy show, The Witcher. If you've been a bit lost since Game of Thrones ended, this is for you. Based on the popular series of novels and a trilogy of even more popular video games, the show follows the adventures of Geralt of Rivia. Played by Henry Cavill, he's a monster hunter who patrols the "Continent," a fantasy realm beleaguered with evil beings (both human and magical). Along the way, he collides with a powerful sorceress and a young princess fleeing her war-torn kingdom.

Critics are saying it could be the closest thing we get to a true Game of Thrones replacement, but I wonder how the streaming drop will affect a show like this. There was something about the anticipation that came with weekly airings that added to the GoT phenomenon, right? Like all Netflix shows, this will be released all at once and the binge watchers will devour it up and then all but forget about it in a few weeks. In any case, I'm looking forward to giving it a try—with a cocktail in hand.

 Your Pairing:How about a stiff drink that's blood red and packs a punch? The aptly named Hunter makes for an easy sipping after-dinner cocktail. According to Difford's Guide, who has the recipe, it's got "a good slug of bourbon, sweetened by rich cherry." No more than two, please, or you might start seeing monsters yourself.

What We’re Buying

Polo Ralph Lauren Quilted Field Gloves

Today only, Ralph Lauren is currently having a wicked 40% off sale (with guaranteed delivery by Christmas). So you still have time to find a few last minute gifts or maybe even something special for yourself. We're eying these regal field gloves that are made for the outdoors. With elasticized wool cuffs, warmth is all but guaranteed to stay locked in and while the sheepskin palms will provide proper grip and a sharp look. It even has touchscreen fingertips.

 Get It $68 / $32.99 at Ralph Lauren

Today’s Deals


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 Want More? See all 48 sales

Morning Motto

A simple reminder to stay present in the moment.

Be here now

 FOLLOW: @corygearrin

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